Monero average change within 24 hour is -12.35 against USD, -5.14 against BTC, -0.71 against ETH. Weekly report: 15.45 against USD, -3.34 against BTC, 2.83 against ETH. Monthly report: 23.76 against USD, -1.03 against BTC, 9.34 against ETH.
In this regard, 24 hour trading volume is 85070385.95727200 USD or 17502.14722383 BTC. At the same time Monero market capitalization is 1054467495 USD or $216943 BTC.
Monero XMR/PLN on BitBay exchange is 64.90. The trading volume on BitBay is 4607.35.
At the same time Monero XMR/USD on Bitfinex exchange is 62.95. The trading volume on Bitfinex is 1858401.66.
Monero XMR/KRW on Bithumb exchange is 62.61. The trading volume on Bithumb is 158953197.40.
Monero XMR/BTC on Bittrex exchange is 62.29. The trading volume on Bittrex is 364601.64.
Monero XMR/USDT on CHAOEX exchange is 62.43. The trading volume on CHAOEX is 10450997.87.
It’s noteworthy that is issued into circulation Monero.
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